Monday, November 10, 2014

10 Reason Why Babies are like Puppies

10. They "walk" on all fours. And spread dirt and debris around the house to their little hearts content. If there is dirt, or a dead bug hidden somewhere, they will find it, and eat it.

9. They play with absolutely everything they aren't supposed too.  If you left it out, or within reach, they will find it, and they will probably destroy it.

8. They both need to be potty trained. A dog you can put outside, and a kid you can change the diaper...but in the mean time, sometimes nasty things happen on your clean floors.

7. Sometimes they lick or bite you.

6. They are both extremely cute and ridiculously cuddly. They will always want to curl up and cuddle when you are busy, and never when you need them to cuddle you.

5. They beg for treats. Like baby, like puppy, if they hear their favorite snack (or any kind of snack for that matter) being opened they are there behind you in the blink of an eye, waiting oh so impatiently for you to hand over the goodies.

4. Bane of your balance. If you weren't expecting to trip and fall down today, they have different plans for you. They will sneak up behind you and sit right where you were going to step, and it will happen when you are carrying something heavy, or fragile, or hot!

3. Sometimes they growl at you for no apparent reason.

2. Toilet paper is a thing of wonder for them. It makes a huge mess in a very short period of time. What's not to love?!

1. Its a rule that they are going to be the loudest, or most cantankerous, at the exact time you really need them to be still and calm. Its a real thing.

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