It's finally summer!
Well, kind of. It's been cold all week, and I've been stuck in pants and shirts that are not tank tops, but today it's starting to look like summer again! Bring on the shorts and tanks!We have be doing a bit of rearranging and cleaning here at Mitchell "farm." Outside, that is. Making room for our new additions and keeping our other residents as comfy as possible.
We added some new blood to our stock today. Meet The Doctor. He is a pure California Giant.
You fans know that The Doctor always regenerates, I'll bet you didn't know he also reproduces. :O
At least, we hope he does. He took his rightful wife today, River Song (who currently has 6 adorably delicious babies.)
(River Song, a.k.a Devil Bunny)
(This is a River baby eating clover. Doesn't get much cuter than that!)
That being said, we should be having more babies in 31 days!
In the mean time, lets say hello to another new addition.
This is Jacky Tyler. She is two, half New Zealand half California Giant and she is due *le gasp* tomorrow! I will definitely be keeping my eye on her.
If you have looked on my Facebook anytime recently you might be wondering why I haven't introduced The Original Doctor and Rose Tyler. Well, lets just say they are in little bunny heaven or somewhere. Unfortunately, we couldn't help them kick their illness so we couldn't keep them. (But we don't have to miss The Doctor because he always regenerates!) I will say though, thanks to them I am now completely confidant in my antibiotic shot giving abilities. Need a shot, anyone? No? ok.
We also have these tasty little morsels. Yes, they are pretty cute. No, they are not very nice. Just ask Kyra to show you her arm. Or what's left of it anyway. Yes, we are going to eat them.
In other news...
I have a broody hen, for the first time! I'm letting her keep 8 eggs. She takes all of the eggs, every day. So I have to remove a pile of eggs from under her each night. She doesn't appreciate it.
It's too early to tell for sure, but my Maran hen may have also gone broody today. we'll have to wait and see on her. Exciting stuff you guys! I've never hatched out chicks before!
My baby Cinnamon Queens aren't so little anymore. I'm pretty sure the one in the front there is a Roo. (Some of the chicks are Cornish Cross. Most are supposedly straight C.Q. ) Probably, half or more of these guys will be headed to a sale soon.
I also have kittens! 5 of them! Look at this baby cat people, don't you want to have it in your home? Wives ask your husbands if you can have one! Husbands ask your wives if you can have one! Children ask your parents! They are for freeeeeeeeeeeee!
This is cool. I thought you might want to see it. I can't help but imagine the little fairy city going on in there. I want to come play, fairies!!
Wanna see something weird?
There you go! A tooth in a hole in a rock! That's not something you see every day!
Now for some Baby Girl...cause she's kinda irresistible.
(She was supposed to give the biscuit to the chickens, but she ate it instead. Oh well.)
See baby girl? See her eat? See chickens help her share a snack? Baby and chickens are friends. We started buying her these cool little food pouches. So far she likes them aright (of course she prefers people food.)
Funny story. I don't remember where I was, or who I was with, or who said it, but I was somewhere with someone and someone made the comment that buying your baby these food pouches is just lazy parenting. I guess because they assumed that if you didn't sit down and feed your baby every meal you are a lazy parent?? I do see where they were coming from, I guess. Loads of people do look for ways to not have to parent properly. But, here's how I see it. Since, we've gave her these pouches she has been able to start feeding herself a substantial (supervised) snack. Yay for teaching a little independence! Also, because she's figured out how to suck instead of squeezing the pouch (big mess, that way,) she has figured out how to use a straw! I'm not seeing anything wrong here. *shrug*
(See? Eating all by herself.)
Oh no! I seem to have made a mess. :(
Meet Pink Elephant.
Pink Elephant gets more hugs and kisses than mommy!
I HAVE A QUESTION! Why are my toys in this bag of water?
Then there was this picture. Please, excuse my baby. I'm pretty sure she was receiving directions from the mother ship.
No kidding guys, every time she finds a hair band, this is how I find her.
Petting Chubby bunny. "I know mom! Pet nicely!"
My ultimate favorite flower. I loooove how they smell. If someone would make a perfume that smells exactly like an iris I would buy them out.
Lets end the post with...
Oh, you know, just chilling, in a 50 degree, half full swimming pool. Cause 'Merica that's why!
Cool fact! They did not die of hypothermia! I almost did though, and I was just watching!
Rabbits poop. a lot.
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